Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Darrowwood Part Sixteen

            The inn in the town of Darrowdale was two stories, but the narrow wooden staircase leading to the upper floor filled a third of the available space.  Monica pounded on all of the doors until only one remained.  She took a steadying breath and rapped on it, causing green paint bits to fall on the supple floorboards.  “Mr. and Mrs. Daniels?  Are you there?  It’s Monica.”
            “Well, hello, darling, come in.”  Mrs. Daniels stood at the open door.  She held a stack of folded baby clothes in her arms.
            “Sorry to bother you,” Monica said, stepping inside the small room. “What’s going on here?”  The queen bed had many more clothing piles set on its olive sheets.  Mr. Daniels paced the room with little Jack, smiling down at the baby, and sing-songy voice coming from the bathroom to the right of the bedroom told Monica that Sarah was thoroughly enjoying her coloring books.  Other, open toiletry bags sat on the dresser, fully packed.
            Mr. Daniels stopped his pacing to let his wife by with the clothes to pack in a nearly-full suitcase.  “I have a job.  I’ve been invited to join a band,” he said.  “Imagine, passing through the hardware store and out of the blue being offered a paying gig to travel the country.  It’s what I’ve always dreamed.  My family gets to come with me, and I’m being paid for it, too.  Lookie here, they gave me a brand-new trombone.”  He indicated the corner closet.
            “That’s great, but what’s with all the bags?”  Monica asked.
            “Well, the deal was that I have to get going immediately.  The band just finished their contract in town, and now that I’m a part of the band, we’re going to have to move on out.  We’re not stopping for anybody.”
            “‘Not stopping?’” Monica could not believe her ears. “No, Mr. Daniels, you were here to pick up Jenny and me when we finished with the preview. Your family was staying here until we were done. I’m done with Darrowwood, because, well, something’s wrong. Jenny needs you.”
            “Jenny who?”  Mrs. Daniels asked, almost at the same time Mr. Daniels intoned, “Darrowwood, don’t you mean Darrowdale?

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