Saturday, January 31, 2015

So Serious Saturday #1

Fiction needs a basis in reality. Exercising non-fiction muscles once in a while benefits an active imagination, channeling creative energies as it focuses on a subject. So Serious Saturdays will be an active place for critical essays or writing about reality in the context of real events - even when it is not written on Saturdays.

Type: Argumentative Essay

            Love as a singular experience means that it is not shared; however, this is not for lack of trying
on the lovers’ part, but because their loved ladies will not be the mirror that their lovers have projected feelings onto. Both passively and actively, with the strategy dependent on each different lady, the ladies refuse to share in a love they can only reflect and acknowledge, because they cannot share in the singular experience.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Their Name

 A friendship is a meeting of one life with another
The time is ever fleeting with a soul sister or a brother

To say you know one well is a half-truth all the same
as thinking you know their tell when you've only learned their name

Thursday, January 29, 2015

None Alone

When my daylight fades the enemy presses in hard around me, the darkness shadows the fields of my mind.  It comes against me with smothering blankets, nets, chains, spears, darts, and swords.  Upon this great field, they rush at me alone.
I weep bitterly.  My heart grows faint.  I am paralyzed as they draw closer, seeking to enter the only space I truly have, making foul marks upon my body, robbing me of the held things in my hands.  They condemn me, reminding me of all my flaws, jeering and spitting.  Their barred, growling teeth snap like the crack of my bones.  If there was one to save me!
A light shines out into the darkness.  The voice of my Lord calls out to me.  "Rise, for you are redeemed.   I have redeemed you.  You have nothing to fear, for I am with you." 
 He clears a path.  I reach up one hand with the strength I have left.  He takes it and holds me up.  His strength flows into me.  My heart is refreshed.  A fresh breath of life goes into my nostrils and fills up my lungs. 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Love's Redemption

This tale was told to me.  I couldn't resist the urge to add a few embellishments, but the plot is the same:

          A young woman stood before the judge, accused of the many crimes she had committed.
There was the woman in front of the judge. "No!" she cried. "No! Please, don't send me there! I can't pay the price!" She pleaded with the judge, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Life, Language, and the Incomprehensibility of Infinity

It struck me a couple days ago that "biology" is literally "the systematic study of life".  Certainly it is life science, but what really got me thinking was the systematic part.  To merely see something one only has to look; to study something thoroughly you must pick it apart and divide it into its less complex parts.  Many times in order to study the life of some organism in biology you must take it apart as well.  Poor frog.

I have walked a few feet from the lecture hall, and I can tell the gears are speeding up.