Saturday, September 26, 2015

So Serious Saturday #21

Fiction needs a basis in reality. Exercising non-fiction muscles once in a while benefits an active imagination, channeling creative energies as it focuses on a subject. So Serious Saturdays will be an active place for critical essays or writing about reality in the context of real events - even when it is not written on Saturdays.

Type: Journal

Fearing Failure
     I've done it.
     Or not done it, depending on your viewpoint. I've failed my mission for this blog; namely, to post something most days. There are a hundred excuses I've tried out, including the fact that this September is hot, there was too much to do, work was taking up my time, family was taking up my time...
    I guess I'm just looking for something else to blame it on, so that I don't have to claim the failure as entirely my own. However, I am afraid what would happen if I owned that failure.

     There's a lot of people today who try so hard to cover up mistakes or unexpected deviations from their plans. It's as if not being able to stick to what you thought you could do at an earlier date is shameful. You can control everything, the advertisements whisper to our ears, you can have anything you want.
   What a terrible thing to have, everything you have. Then there's no surprises, and no chances to grow and learn. Perhaps if someone stole one of those things you have, but in a purely selfish universe in which you are the self, you would probably get a replacement, steal it back, or get revenge. It's the thing you want, right?
  Perhaps this leave from blogging has taught me a few things about myself. Hopefully I can turn out quality posts, without fearing what could happen if things don't turn out how I want them. If I don't expect more than I can give, then the world I know should be a better place.

   That is, depending on my viewpoint.

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