An Etymological Exploration*
First the name of a pagan festival celebrating spring
near the same day as the day now called Easter
Ancients derives a goddess of day
from the direction the light first shone
Dawn became an action of shining
a metaphor for gold
Gold: something precious
something new and shining
Dawn: the first shining
light of a new day
Easter, again:
Celebrating the dawn of a new age
new life and continued life
release from suffering and debt
by payment and separation,
the suffering of precious elements
What looked like permafrost thawed
life broke out of the earth
Grace in abundance
mercy overflowing
poured out of wounds
Hope restored, truth resurrected
the good news dawned
on a generation in the dark
and the light shines in the darkness
and the darkness did not comprehend it ˚
Dawn announces
the day drawing near
the time is at hand
Redemption is now
*found in Webster's New World College Dictionary, Fourth Edition
˚John 1:5
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