Magic Time Within and Without
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Spoiler Alert!!!!!!!!
Contains Major Plot Movements
I've heard that the Battle of Hogwarts is canonically supposed to have happened in 1998, about the same time that the first Harry Potter book gained popularity.
Since this Battle occurs in the last book of the series, the main plot of the series ends where it begins: in 1998 the Battle rages within the pages and about 1998 the first book starts its majorly successful run in the United States after gaining fans in Britain. Readers can essentially go back to 1998 by starting the series or ending the series.
Readers can also travel to the future. Those reading the series before the year 2017 will arrive in the future at the series epilogue. Anyone who in any time reads the series may find it entertaining to skip ahead in the reading, which is also like time traveling to the future of the created world of the books.
The past and future are accounted for, but so is the present; the reader combines the continually happening world of the story with the present time of the real world.
So there you have it - the magic of time within and without the Harry Potter books includes the possibility of simultaneous past, present, and future.
If only all stories could both transport us and travel with us in time.
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