Fiction needs a basis in reality. Exercising non-fiction muscles once in a while benefits an active imagination, channeling creative energies as it focuses on a subject. So Serious Saturdays will be an active place for critical essays or writing about reality in the context of real events - even when it is not written on Saturdays.
Type: Argumentative Essay
Love as a singular experience means that it is not shared; however, this is not for lack of trying
on the lovers’ part, but because their loved ladies will not be the mirror that their lovers have projected feelings onto. Both passively and actively, with the strategy dependent on each different lady, the ladies refuse to share in a love they can only reflect and acknowledge, because they cannot share in the singular experience.
on the lovers’ part, but because their loved ladies will not be the mirror that their lovers have projected feelings onto. Both passively and actively, with the strategy dependent on each different lady, the ladies refuse to share in a love they can only reflect and acknowledge, because they cannot share in the singular experience.